ScoreWIZ Eurovision Song Contest Poll 2024
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ScoreWIZ ESC Poll 2024 - let's vote!

This is a (yearly) preference poll, just for fun, for fans of the Eurovision Song Contest. The intention is to vote for what you like!

You just vote ESC Style for your 10 favourite songs in ESC 2024. You may change your vote at any time!

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As usual all given sets of votes - Eurovision style - of all voters combined yield a general ranking.

In addition to that some alternative rankings are calculated:
  • In the 'all vote for all'-ranking all votes from users from each separate country are converted to one single Eurovision style vote per country
  • In addition to that, there are separate scoreboards for each of the two semifinals, calculated based on votes from countries participating or just voting in that semifinal.
  • Finally there is a virtual final scoreboard with only those twenty qualifiers, based on the aforementioned semifinal results, plus the Big 5 and Sweden. These entries are voted on by all other countries + the rest of the world.

The latter three may optionally be watched in a Scorewiz presentation.
There's more detailed information about this on the results page.

For an overview of all songs check out the official site.

919 people have cast their vote so far. See the current results here.

This poll is being held for the 18th time.

These were our poll winners in the previous years (those in bold also won ESC):

2023 Sweden ('Tattoo')
2022 Spain ('SloMo', 3rd at ESC)
2021 Switzerland ('Tout l'univers', 3rd at ESC)
2020 Lithuania ('On Fire', ESC cancelled) *
2019 Netherlands ('Arcade') **
2018 Israel ('Toy')
2017 Italy ('Occidentali's Karma', 6th at ESC)
2016 France ('J'ai cherché', 6th at ESC)
2015 Sweden ('Heroes')
2014 United Kingdom ('Children Of The Universe', 17th at ESC)
2013 Denmark ('Only Teardrops')
2012 Sweden ('Euphoria')
2011 Hungary ('What About My Dreams', 22nd at ESC)
2010 Germany ('Satellite')
2009 Norway ('Fairytale')
2008 Sweden ('Hero', 18th at ESC)
2007 Serbia ('Molitva')

* In 2020 ESC was cancelled - Lithuania led at the time of cancellation.
** In 2019 Netherlands won the general ranking (most points from single voters), while Italy ('Soldi') won the combined votings.

Have fun!
ScoreWIZ ESC Nation
You must fill in a valid e-mail address to register. This e-mail address is only used for verification (you will receive one e-mail, no less, no more) and shall not be used for anything else. We will delete your data after the poll is closed.

Please vote only once, and vote fair. Please select your real country of residence or origin. The poll team reserves the right, without prior notice or discussion, to delete votes, or move them to another voting country, when there's suspicion if irregularities (e.g. mass voting to boost one certain entry). Designed and programmed (a long time ago it was) by Ben Tumminaro, the Netherlands (2007 - 2024).

Latest votes

Inoram3005 voted for at 12:22 CET.

Antonio R voted for at 10:33 CET.

DrCharlieEcu voted for at 03:35 CET.

Magic Angel voted for at 02:12 CET.

Vaggelis08 voted for on 23/04 at 22:47 CET.

schmecktgut voted for on 23/04 at 20:39 CET.

skotandrews voted for on 23/04 at 20:39 CET.

Hatarica voted for on 23/04 at 19:51 CET.

Branius voted for on 23/04 at 19:46 CET.

lemonytruss96 voted for on 23/04 at 18:51 CET.

Cukerina voted for on 23/04 at 18:51 CET.

SunnyXiaoh voted for on 23/04 at 18:34 CET.

Emanuel voted for on 23/04 at 18:05 CET.

year voted for on 23/04 at 16:23 CET.

suus voted for on 23/04 at 03:48 CET.

LazarosPetridis voted for on 22/04 at 23:54 CET.

Vlads voted for on 22/04 at 23:32 CET.

Arzunuz voted for on 22/04 at 22:56 CET.

Fercapta voted for on 22/04 at 22:00 CET.

pinokiootje voted for on 22/04 at 21:53 CET.

Tompasario voted for on 22/04 at 21:26 CET.

votomusical voted for on 22/04 at 21:13 CET.

Leo voted for on 22/04 at 19:47 CET.

Endla voted for on 22/04 at 19:38 CET.

Anna voted for on 22/04 at 19:37 CET.